Well that's what I'd do if my mom was watching, if she wasn't watching I'd eat the filling of two tarts and leave the pastry shells for later. I'd take a little sugar spoon and eat the filling bite by bite and then enjoy the pastry on it's own. My way of eating them was not the most obvious of choices, but it was a wonderful way to me. I would of course be excited to see my family, but I'd also be excited for that white cardboard box hiding a slew of delicious butter tarts.

I was a small girl of maybe five years old and I'd get excited every time my Nana and Papa would drive up for a visit. We’ll have a carefully written recipe to suit you. And since I grew up mere minutes from Barrie, in Collingwood ON, it seems only fitting that my first foodie memory involves the sweet treat of a butter tart. Whether you’re looking for big Sunday lunch menu inspiration, or need to find some healthy ideas for storecupboard ingredients (take a look at the recipes you can make with one tin of tomatoes ). I'll tell you what else is Canadian - butter tarts! Canada's claim on butter tarts dates back to 1900 when a recipe was first published in the Women's Auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital Cookbook in Barrie ON. The USA claims the All-American apple pie and the uber popular hamburger, but what does Canada get to call it's own besides the French fry, gravy, and cheese curd concoction of Poutine? I am proud to be Canadian, but Canadian food specialties often seem to meld into North American food specialties. I chose to use small pie plates for my dish, so that I could pass out individual portions, but I know they'd be great served up family style too.

The best part was that I already had all the ingredients in my pantry, so I was able to make Life Made Delicious' Grilled Picnic Taco Nachos for a snack this afternoon. I took a peek at some grilling recipes last night and one idea made me hungry just looking at it. Luckily I am pleased to tell you that I'm part of the Life Made Delicious blogger program for the second year running, and I know that this website is going to help me stay creative and interested when I'm entertaining outdoors this summer. Of course there are veggie burgers and grilled veggies, but after a few months of that I know that my palate is going to get a bit tired. Since I've stopped eating most meat, I'm don't have as many choices for grilling. The only problem is that I sometimes find myself in a rut when I think about what I'm going to grill. It's just me, my grill, my friends, and my family. I love to entertain outdoors in the summer.